Monday, January 26, 2015

Another week bites the dust.

     Well parts of this week were pretty slow due to illness. We had to stay in for the majority of a few days because Elder Figueroa got a pretty nasty cold. If I don't catch it, I'll be just avoiding it. But, we'll see! The good thing about so much time inside is that I get to study for a few extra hours. I LOVE it! I have had a lot more time reading Jesus the Christ. That is a nice little bonus; such a good book!
     On Wednesday, we had a District meeting, in which I gave a training on finding through the members. We all have been struggling with finding people to teach. As for me and Elder Figueroa, we don't have any progressing investigators. The ward is fantastic, and will help in whatever way possible; we get fed pretty much daily; but we just can't find any investigators who will stick right now. We actually got pretty down on ourselves about it on Saturday.
     We had been working for a few hours, and nothing was going well. We found out one of our investigators with what we thought was more potential, had been drinking, and had other word of wisdom problems. He doesn't want to change either. It was just a bummer of a day. So, we treated ourselves to a nice dinner at Chipotle, followed by ice cream at McDonalds, and got back to it. We ended up finding a former investigator, named Cesar, who hadn't heard from the missionaries in about 2 months. He had some questions for us, seemed genuinely grateful, and was an awesome guy! I'm really hoping we can get him coming to church and baptized soon. We'll see.
     Quick update on our goal for 60 baptisms for January. We now need 26 more. We have had up to 46 in one weekend, I believe. It's totally possible, but will require faith, work, and prayer. Thanks for all the help!
     I think Elder Figueroa is what is keeping me going in the area. There is just a general feeling of distaste towards the missionaries from the non members. A lot of the former investigators we have tried just want to argue, so that is lame. But Elder Figueroa and I are still funny enough that we can get over a rough day. I love this guy, and hope we have at least one more transfer together. Who knows!
     Friday morning, at about 3:25 am, Bishop Martin texts us asking if I would sing for Sacrament meeting this Sunday. When I called him, much later in the day, he said he received the revelation to have me sing If You Could Hie to Kolob in English during Spanish Sacrament meeting. He said it woke him up. Yeah right haha. He's funny, and a character, but he definitely just stayed up 'til 3:30. I said I'd do it, and ran through the arrangement he bought for me and Hna Goodey (in my district) to do. I only ran through it right before Sacrament meeting, but I never messed up too bad. I had a few people it tears. It was a really great experience. I had been praying that I would be able to touch their hearts to turn them to the Lord. I told the congregation, "lo siento, voy a cantar en ingleis. Van a tener que escuchar con sus oidos espirituales." (Sorry, I'm going to sing in English. You're going to have to listen with your spiritual ears). They got a kick and a laugh out of that. It was great though :) I love this ward; there are so many members with whom I clicked so quickly! I hope I don't get transferred because they like me too much.
     Anyways, I realize this might have been a little scatterbrained of a letter, but know that I know the church is true! I love you all. And have a wonderful week!

-Elder Spjute

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